Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Truth Shall Set You Free

There is some good symbolism in the scriptures that can teach us how to be free from sin. For example in Matthew 18:6-9 Jesus teaches that it would be better for a person be drowned than to offend others. If we look closely at the word “offend” which means to hurt, mock, trespass, transgress, or cause to stumble, we will see what not to do to others. Also we learn how we should not be treated. In verse 9 Jesus uses symbolism referring to a hands arms and legs as his friends and his eyes also are the members of his family or household. By cutting them off he meant that we should cut them out of our lives. We should not associate, or have little dealings with people who would purposely offend us. Many times when we are offended we act out and in turn are sinning.

To the savior being free did not just mean in a people free from worldly oppression. He mean them to be free of sin. In John 8:32 we read “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” He means the truth and knowledge of God. When one knows eternal truths and implements eternal principles in their lives they will be free of sin and likewise be free. Elder Bruce R. McConkie states that when we are “free from eh damning power of false doctrine; from bondage of appetite and lust; free from sin; from evil and corrupt influence; and from every form of restraining power; we will be free to go on to the unlimited enjoyment of being fully exalted beings”(Institute Manual p.109) As Latter-Day Saints we know this is true, for we can see this type of freedom reflected in our lives when we follow commandments. From the law of chastity and being morally clean we can have harmonious relationships with our spouses. When we obey the word of wisdom we are free of many addicting unhealthy habits and are free to be clean and healthy inside and out.

When Jesus says HE is the way, truth and life, he is stating that the way back our Heavenly Father is by following his teachings and trying to live up to his example. Knowing the savior will help us see the truth, know of his love for us, and help on the straight and narrow path to return to him.

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